Isidore GodfreySULLIVAN: Yeomen of the Guard (DOyly Carte) (1950)

SULLIVAN: Yeomen of the Guard (DOyly Carte) (1950)

1.Iolanthe:Iolanthe: Entrance and March of the Peers
2.The Yeomen of the Guard:Act II: Night has spread her pall once more (Chorus, Dame Carruthers)
3.The Yeomen of the Guard:Act I: Tower warders, under orders (Chorus)
4.The Yeomen of the Guard:Act II: Oh! A private buffoon is a lighthearted loon (Jack Point)
5.Iolanthe:Iolanthe: March - Finale Act I
6.The Yeomen of the Guard:Act I: Is life a boon? (Colonel Fairfax)
7.The Yeomen of the Guard:Act II: Like a ghost his vigil keeping (Wilfred Shadbolt, Jack Point, Chorus, Sir Richard)
8.The Yeomen of the Guard:Act I: When our gallant Norman foes (Dame Carruthers, Yeomen)
9.The Yeomen of the Guard:Act I: Were I thy bride (Phoebe)
10.The Yeomen of the Guard:Act II: Hereupon we're both agreed (Jack Point, Wilfred)
11.The Yeomen of the Guard:Act I: Finale (Company)
12.the gondoliers:the gondoliers: gavotte
13.the yeomen of the guard:act II: when A wooer goes A-wooing (Elsie, Phoebe, colonel Fairfax, Jack point)
14.the mikado:the mikado: behold它和lord high executioner
15.the yeomen of the guard:act II: hark! what was that, 私人? (Leonard, colonel Fairfax, chorus)
16.the gondoliers:the gondoliers: March - with ducal pom片
17.Ru到底Gore:Ru到底Gore: hornpipe
18.the yeomen of the guard:act i: here SA瞞to sing jollity (chorus)
19.the yeomen of the guard:act i: IV E級bean的joke (Jack point)
20.the yeomen of the guard:act i: when maiden loves (Phoebe)
21.the yeomen of the guard:act i: TI是done! IA MA bride (Elsie)
22.The Yeomen of the Guard:Act II: Finale (All)
23.The Yeomen of the Guard:Act I: Alas! I waiver to and fro (Phoebe, Leonard, Sgt. Meryll)
24.The Yeomen of the Guard:Act II: A man who would woo a fair maid (Elsie, Phoebe, Colonel Fairfax)
25.The Mikado:The Mikado: Three little maids from school
26.The Yeomen of the Guard:Act II: Free from his fetters grim (Colonel Fairfax)
27.Utopia, Limited:Utopia, Limited: Entrance of the Court
28.The Yeomen of the Guard:Act I: How say you maiden (Elsie, Jack Point, Sir Richard)
29.The Gondoliers:The Gondoliers: Dance a Cachucha
30.The Yeomen of the Guard:Act II: Stranger adventure (Colonel Fairfax, Sergeant Meryll, Dame Carruthers, Kate)
31.The Yeomen of the Guard:Act I: I have a song to sing, O (Elsie, Jack Point)
32.The Yeomen of the Guard:Overture