William Bolcom/Gerard SchwarzCornet Favourites

Cornet Favourites

1.Virgil Thomson (b. 1896); At the Beach - Concert Waltz (1949)
2.Herbert L. Clarke: The Debutante - Caprice Brillante (1908)
3.Frank Simon: Willow Echoes (1918)
4.Jean Baptiste Arban: Fantaisie and Variations on "The Carnival of Venice" (1864)
5.Herbert L. Clarke: Cousins (ca. 1904) (cornet & trombone)
6.Arthur Pryor: Polka-Exposition Echoes (ca. 1893) (trombone solo)
7.Carl Hohne: Slavische Fantasie (1899)
8.Herbert L. Clarke: From The Shores of The Mighty Specific; Rondo Caprice (1903)
9.Henry Fillmore: Trombone Family - a) Shoutin' Liza Trombone - One Step (Mose Trombone's Ah-finity) (ca. 1920); b) Teddy Trombone - A
10.Herbert L. Clarke: Sounds From The Hudson - Valse Brillante (1904)
11.Herbert L. Clarke: The Bride of the Waves - Polka Brillante (1900)
12.Herbert L. Clarke: The Maid of the Mist - Polka (ca. 1912) (cornet solo)
13.Clay Smith: The Cascades - Polka Brilliant (ca. 1904) (cornet & trombone)