Orchestral Suite No.1 In C Major, BWV 1066:5. Forlane歌詞
1.Brandenburg Concerto No.3 In G Major, BWV 1048:2. Adagio (BWV 1019a)
2.Mass in B Minor, BWV 232Credo:Et resurrexit
3.Orgelbüchlein - Arr. For Piano Four Hands by György Kurtág:Nun komm’ der Heiden Heiland, BWV 599
4.Jesus Christus, unser Heiland, BWV 364
5.Musical Offering, BWV 1079:4b. Canon 2 a 2 violini in unisono
6.Musical Offering, BWV 1079:Sonata a 3 - III Andante
7.Prelude & Fughetta in G Major, BWV 902:1. Prelude
8.Violin Concerto No.2 In E, BWV 1042:3. Allegro assai
9.Warum betrübst du dich, mein Herz, BWV 420
10.Musical Offering, BWV 1079:4d. Canon 4 a 2 per augmentationem, contrario motu
11.Toccata, Adagio and Fugue in C, BWV 564:2. Adagio
12.Suite No.2 In B Minor, BWV 1067:6. Polonaise - 6a. Double
13.Musical Offering, BWV 1079:4h. Canon perpetuus
14.Christ, der du bist der helle Tag, BWV 273
15.St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244Part Two:No. 39 Aria: "Erbarme dich"
16.Musical Offering, BWV 1079:4k. Canon a 4
17.Heut ist, o Mensch, ein grosser Trauertag, BWV 341
18.Aria variata (alla maniera italiana) in A Minor, BWV 989:Variation V. Un poco allegro
19.Violin Concerto No.2 In E Major, BWV 1042:3. Allegro assai
20.Suite No.2 In B Minor, BWV 1067:3. Sarabande
21.Ach bleib bei uns, Herr Jesu Christ, BWV 253
22.Sonata No.2 In E Flat Major, BWV 1031:2. Siciliana
23.In allen meinen Taten, BWV 367
24.Prelude And Fugue In B Flat Minor (WTK, Book I, No.22), BWV 867:1. Prelude
25.Musical Offering, BWV 1079:4a. Canon 1 a 2 cancrizans
26.Orchestral Suite No.2 In B Minor, BWV 1067:7. Menuet
27.Dies sind die heilgen zehn Gebot, BWV 298
28.Prelude And Fugue In G Minor (WTK, Book I, No.16), BWV 861:1. Prelude
29.Orchestral Suite No.3 In D Major, BWV 1068:5. Bourrée
30.O wie selig seid ihr doch, ihr Frommen, BWV 406
31.Musical Offering, BWV 1079:4i. Canon a 2
32.musical offering, BW V 1079:4個. Canon per PET UU是super the嗎reg IU妹
33.concerto for harpsichord, strings, and con TI諾no.5 inf minor, BW V 1056:2. largo
34.Brandenburg concerto no.2 inf major, BW V 1047:2. andante
35.partita no. 1 in B-flat major, BW V 825:i. PR AE陸地um
36.Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme, Cantata BWV 140:4. "Zion hört die Wächter singen"
37.partita no. 1 in B-flat major, BW V 825:vi. menu ET IDA擦破
38.suite no.2 in B minor, BW V 1067:2. rondeau
39.musical offering, BW V 1079:4從. Canon 3 啊 2 帕爾默塗抹contra日um
40.Suite For Cello Solo No.1 In G, BWV 1007:1. Prélude
41.JA UC患者ET got tin Allen LAN的N cantata, BW V 51 (additional instrumentation by W.F. Bach):1. "JA UC患者ET got tin Allen LAN的N"
42.all ESI是tango T Tess E跟, BW V 263
43.prelude & fugue in E minor (well-tempered clavier, book i, no. 10), BW V 855:1. prelude
44.prelude & fugue Inc minor (well-tempered clavier, book i, no. 2), BW V 847:2. fugue
45.orchestral suite no.3 in D major, BW V 1068:air
46.he UT triumph IE惹TG Ott esso還能, BW V 342
47.lo被TG Ott, I HR Christen all足夠雷池, BW V 376
48.Ihr Gestirn, ihr hohen Lüfte, BWV 366
49.nun fr EU TEU船, got特殊kind而all, BW V 387
50.Jesus, 沒呢z UV而死傳統, BW V 365
51.Suite No.2 In B Minor, BWV 1067:7. Menuet
52.Brandenburg Concerto No.6 in B flat, BWV 1051:2. Adagio ma non tanto
53.Brandenburg Concerto No.4 in G, BWV 1049:2. Andante
54.Herr, ich habe missgehandelt, BWV 331
55.Herr, nun lass in Friede, BWV 337
56.Prelude & Fugue in C Minor (Well-Tempered Clavier, Book I, No. 2), BWV 847:1. Prelude
57.Sinfonia No. 15 in B Minor, BWV 801
58.Brandenburg Concerto No.4 In G Major, BWV 1049:2. Andante
59.O Welt, sieh hier dein Leben, BWV 395
60.Suite No.3 In D, BWV 1068:5. Bourrée
61.Gottlob, es geht nunmehr zum Ende, BWV 321
62.Orchestral Suite No.2 In B Minor, BWV 1067:8. Badinerie
63."Was mir behagt, ist nur die muntre Jagd" Cantata, BWV 208 - arr. Mary Howe for two pianos:9. Schafe können sicher weiden
64.Sei Lob und Ehr dem höchsten Gut, BWV 251
65.Orchestral Suite No.3 In D Major, BWV 1068:6. Gigue
66.Jesus Christus, unser Heiland, BWV 363
67."Erfreut euch, ihr Herzen" Cantata, BWV 66:Chorale "Halleluja! Des solln wir alle froh sein"
68.15 Sinfonias, BWV 787-801:8. Sinfonia In F Major, BWV 794
69.9 Kleine Präludien, BWV 924-932:1. Prelude In C Major, BWV 924
70.Partita No.5 In G Major, BWV 829:3. Courante
71.Partita No.2 In C Minor, BWV 826:4. Sarabande
72.Partita No.6 In E Minor, BWV 830:2. Allemande
73.Prelude And Fugue In F Sharp (Well-Tempered Clavier, Book II, No.13), BWV 882
74.Partita No.4 In D Major, BWV 828:4. Aria
75.Partita For Violin Solo No.2 In D Minor, BWV 1004:4. Giga
76.Orchestral Suite No.1 In C Major, BWV 1066:5. Forlane
77.Erstanden ist der heilig Christ, BWV 306
78.Sinfonia No. 12 in A Major, BWV 798
79.Prelude And Fugue In A Flat (Well-Tempered Clavier, Book II, No.17), BWV 886
80.The Well-Tempered Clavier: Book 1, BWV 846-869:1. Prelude
81.Prelude And Fugue In A Minor (Well-Tempered Clavier, Book I, No.20), BWV 865
82.Partita No. 1 in B-Flat Major, BWV 825:IV. Sarabande
83.Chromatic Fantasia And Fugue In D Minor, BWV 903:1. Fantasia
84.Partita No.5 In G Major, BWV 829:5. Tempo di Minuetto
Musica Antiqua KölnReinhard Goebel熱門專輯