Combat del Somni (Dream Battle):No. 2. Aquesta nit un mateix vent (Tonight The Same Wind)歌詞
1.Combat del Somni (Dream Battle):No. 5. Ara no se si et veig encar (Now I Know Not Whether I Can Still See You)
2.La canco de l'avia:La canco de l'avia (Grandma's Song)
3.5 Melodias sobre textos de Paul Valery:No. 2. L'insinuant (Insinuation)
4.Combat del Somni (Dream Battle):No. 2. Aquesta nit un mateix vent (Tonight The Same Wind)
5.4 Melodies:No. 2. Cortina de fullatge (Curtain Of Leaves)
6.Quand l'amant sortit (1915):Quand l'amant sortit (When Her Lover Left) (1915)
7.Llueve sobre el rio:Llueve sobre el rio (Rain Falls On The River)
8.Quand l'amant sortit (1919):Quand l'amant sortit (When Her Lover Left) (1919)
10.5 Mel O嗲SSO不熱text OS的Paul Valery:no. 1. LA發u時SEM or特 (these惡名corpse)
11.4 melodies:no. 3. Inc而TI土豆 (uncertainty)
12.LH Ora GR ISA:LH Ora GR ISA (the twilight hour)
13.4 melodies:no. 1. Rosa的LCA米 (arose on the path)
14.5 Mel O嗲SSO不熱text OS的Paul Valery:no. 4. LES有LP和 (the sylph)
15.4 melodies:no. 4. NE U (snow)
16.Mir A區in are splendor
17.5 Melodias sobre textos de Paul Valery:No. 5. Les pas (Footsteps)
19.Combat del Somni (Dream Battle):No. 1. Damunt de tu nomes les flors (Above you Only Flowers)
20.5 Melodias sobre textos de Paul Valery:No. 3. Le vin perdu (Lost Wine)
21.Quand lamant sortit (1914):Quand lamant sortit (When Her Lover Left) (1914)
22.Combat del Somni (Dream Battle):No. 4. Fes-me la vida transparent (Make My Life Transparent)
23.Cantar del alma:Cantar del alma (Song Of The Soul)
24.Combat del Somni (Dream Battle):No. 3. Jo et pressentia com la mar (I Sensed You Like The Sea)
Jordi MasóMarta Matheu熱門專輯