Carmen, ., act III: "." (mic AE啦)歌詞
1.Les contes d´Hoffmann, ., Act II: "Bele nuit, o nuit d´amour (Barcarolle)"
2.The Kiss, ., Act II, Scene 7: "Announce, Little Bird, Announce" (Barče)
3.Madama Butterfly, .: "." (Butterfly)
4.Šárka, ., Act II: "Woe! Away! Quickly Away! Please Flee!" (Ctirad, Šárka, Radka)
5.Two Widows, ., Act II, Scene 2: "I Rule Independently" (Mumlal, hajný, Karolína, vdova, Anežka, vdova, Lidunka, selské děvče, Ladisl
6.The Queen of Spades, ., Act III: "Uzh pulnoch blizhitsia" (Elisa)
7.Šárka, ., Act II: "Silence Reigns... Mlada, Lay Your Horn Beside Me, Here!" (Šárka)
8.Libuše, ., Act III: "Libuše´s Prophecy: Picture IV: But Hear! How Evil Storm Winds Roar and Wail" (Libuše)
9.Guillaume Tell, ., Act II: "Víc je mi luh" (Mathylda)
10.Libuše, ., Act III: "Libuše´s Prophecy: Picture V.: Behold! Now from the Misty Veils Just Formed" (Libuše)
11.Un ballo in maschera, ., Act II: "Ecco l´orrido campo" (Amelie)
12.Šárka, ., Act II: "Yes, Indeed, I Hated You!" (Ctirad, Šárka)
13.Don Pasquale, .: "."
14.Libuše, ., Act III: "Libuše´s Prophecy: Picture III.: And There a Crowd of Stalwart Noblemen" (Libuše)
15.Marta, ., Act II: "." (lady Harrietta)
16.L´Africaine, ., Act II: "Lullaby" (Selika)
17.Šárka, ., Act II: "Something Shining White I See" (Ctirad, Šárka)
18.Dalibor, ., Act II, Scene 2: "Dalibor, I Beg Your Pardon" (Dalibor, Milada)
19.Eva, ., Act III: "Ouvertura - My Misgivings Were Right" (Eva, Mánek)
20.Louise, ., Act III: "Od té chvíle" (Luisa)
21.In the Well, .: "As the Fires on the Mountains - I Have Been Waiting for a Long Time" (Vojtěch, selský synek, Lidunka, selská dcera)
22.Rusalka, ., Act II: "Strange Fire in Your Eyes Is Burning" (Vodník, Princ, Cizí kněžna)
23.Tristan U你的ISO裡的, ., act III: "mild UN打雷塞" (ISO老大)
24.Dalibor, ., Act I, Scene 3: "Již uchopte se slova" (Milada, Jitka, Vladislav)
25.Šárka, ., Act II: "You Are Mine, and No One Will Take You Away!" (Ctirad, Šárka)
26.Libuše, ., Act III: "Libuše´s Prophecy (with Six Pictures from Bohemia´s History): O Gods Almighty" (Libuše)
27.pastorale, .: "OM演lovely Nightingale"
28.The Lantern, ., Act III, Scene 5: "." (Mlynář, kněžna)
29.Rusalka, ., Act I: "O, Moon High up in the Deep, Deep Sky" (Vodník, Rusalka, Ježibaba)
30.Eva, ., act III: "last night IH Ada disturbing dream" (Eva)
31.Šárka, ., Act II: "Mine Forever!" (Ctirad, Šárka)
32.Libuše, ., Act II: "My Father, Hear Me" (Krasava)
33.l ATR av IATA, ., act II: "." (Violetta)
34.Carmen, ., act III: "." (mic AE啦)
35.Libuše, ., Act III: "Libuše´s Prophecy: Picture I: A Hero Comes" (Libuše)
36.Libuše, ., Act III: "Libuše´s Prophecy: Picture II.: Behold! Another Storm Is Threatening" (Libuše)
37.Šárka, ., Act II: "Awakens Heroes from the Shadows" (Ctirad, Šárka)
38.La Traviata, .: "Ah fors´e lui... Sempre libera" (Violetta, Alfréd)
39.Aida, ., Act I: "Co vítěz vrať se nám" (Aida)
40.Don Giovanni (Don Juan), ., Act II: "Non mi dir, bell´ idol mio" (Dona Anna)
41.Louise, ., Act III: "Depuis le jour, ou je me suis donnée" (Luisa)
42.HAL卡, ., act IV: "HAL卡上scene and cavatina" (HAL卡)
43.Libuše, ., Act I, Scene 1: "Eternal Gods" (Libuše)
44.Dalibor, ., Act I, Scene 6: "Jaká to bouře ňadra mi plní" (Milada, Jitka)
45.Il Trovatore, ., Act IV: "Proč mám se bát" (Leonora, Manrico)
46.Le nozze di Figaro, ., Act IV: "." (Zuzanka)
47.The Devil´s Wall, ., Act III, Scene 7: "Ah, I know why that Záviš is pursuing me so hard!" (Vok Vítkovic, pán z Růže, nejvyšší maršá
48.Libuše, ., Act III: "Libuše´s Prophecy: Picture VI - The Royal Castle in Prague: Czech People Shall Never Perish" (Libuše, Krasava,
49.Šárka, ., Act II: "Your Power Rules over Me" (Ctirad, Šárka)
50.Eva, ., Act III: "I Am Lonely and Abandoned!" (Eva)
51.Dalibor, ., Act III, Scene 5: "No Trace as Yet of Our Convened Signal?" (Dalibor, Milada, Jitka, Vítek)
52.Dalibor, ., Act II, Scene 4: "Oh, Goodness!" (Milada)
53.Sister Angelika, .: "Angelikas Aria" (sestra Angelika)
54.Julietta (The Key to Dreams), ., Act II, Scene 5: "Oh! Memories" (Michel, Julietta)
Ivo Žídek熱門專輯