the damnation of Faust: minuet of他和will OT和wisps歌詞
1.España - Rapsodie
2.Music for a Found Harmonium
3.Handel in the Strand
4.The Bohemian Girl: I Dreamt I Dwelt in Marble Halls
5.Tahiti Trot (Arr. Dmitri Shostakovich)
6.Caucasian Sketches: Procession of the Sardar
7.The Wasps: March Past of the Kitchen Utensils
8.Pictures at an Exhibition: VI. Tuileries: Dispute d'enfants après jeux (Tuilerie Gardens – Children quarrelling at play)
9.Capricorns kies: as可以for dreaming
10.the damnation of Faust: minuet of他和will OT和wisps
11.the barber of Seville: overture
12.Orphée et Eurydice (Orpheus and Eurydice): Dance of the Blessed Spirits
13.cuckoo polka
14.LArlésienne, Suite No. 1: I. Prélude
15.The Bartered Bride: Overture
16.Holberg Suite: Præludium
17.Oboe Concerto in D minor, BWV1059R: I. Allegro
18.Cantata BWV78: Wir eilen mit schwachem, doch emsigen Schritten
19.Serenade in G Major KV525 Eine kleine Nachtmusik: I. Allegro
Various ArtistsMelbourne Symphony OrchestraJorge MesterHector Berlioz熱門專輯