1.11 Echoes of Autumn: No. 1. Fantastico:11 Echoes of Autumn, "Echoes I"
2.Federico's Little Songs for Children:II. La tarde (Afternoon)
3.An Idyll for the Misbegotten, "Images III"
4.Federico's Little Songs for Children:V. El lagarto esta llorando! (The Lizard is Crying)
5.Federico是little songs for children:IV. Cara cola (snail)
6.Federico是little songs for children:VII. can CIO NT on她 (silly song)
7.Federico是little songs for children:i. LA senorita Del ABA Nico (senorita oft和fan)
8.Federico是little songs for children:vi. can CIO N次羅拉瑟Villa那 (A little song from Seville)
9.Federicos Little Songs for Children:III. Cancion cantada (A Song Sung)
10.Vox Balaenae (Voice of the Whale):Vox balaenae