Pro Cantione Antiqua
Pro Cantione Antiqua
Requiem:Antiphon: In paradisum
Gloria (Missa Quinti Toni)
Masses, Book 3: Missa L'homme arme a 5:Gloria
A Collection of Glees, Catches and Canons: Epitaph on a Dormouse
Hashirim asher lish'lomo (The Songs of Solomon):Psalm 92, "Mizmor shir"
Lamentations, Book 4:Sabbato Sancto: Lectio III
Lamentations, Book 4:Feria V: Lectio II
Lamentations, Book 4:Sabbato Sancto: Lectio II
The Maiden'S Joyful Cry, 1557.
Requiem:Tractus: Absolve domine
Masses, Book 5: Missa Aeterna Christi munera:Benedictus
Aurora lucis rutilat
Julije Skjavetić: Appariran Per Me
Hashirim asher lish'lomo (The Songs of Solomon):Kaddish
Masses, Book 4: Missa Lauda Sion:Kyrie
Ductia (Shawm & Bombarde)
Masses, Book 14: Missa Assumpta est Maria:Gloria
Lamentations, Book 4:Feria V: Lectio I
Ballets for 5 Voices, Book 1: My bonny lasse shee smyleth
The Lamentations of the Prophet Jeremiah (For Thursday in Holy Week):Lamentatio Secunda
Masses, Book 3: Missa L'homme arme a 5:Sanctus - Benedictus
Vespro della Beata Vergine, "composti sopra canti fermi":Magnificat: Quia respexit
Masses, Book 3: Missa Brevis:Offertorium: Tui sunt coeli
Panis Angelicus, 1620.
Masses, Book 2: Missa Papae Marcelli:Sanctus
Sleep fleshly birth
Hashirim asher lish'lomo (The Songs of Solomon):Psalm 8, "Lamnat stseach"
2 Snails
Vespro della Beata Vergine, "composti sopra canti fermi":Psalm 109, "Dixit Dominus"
Lamentations, Book 4:Sabbato Sancto: Lectio I
Vespro della Beata Vergine, "composti sopra canti fermi":Magnificat: Gloria Patri
The First Set, beeing Songs of Divers Ayres and Natures, of Five and Sixe Parts, Apt for Vyols and Voyces: Sweet Suffolk owl
Vespro della Beata Vergine, "composti sopra canti fermi":Psalm 126, "Nisi Dominus"
Cantiones sacrae, Op. 4: Heu mihi, Domine, SWV 65
Vespro della Beata Vergine, "composti sopra canti fermi":Concerto: Duo seraphim
Missa Brevis: "Gloria"
Masses, Book 4: Missa Lauda Sion:Benedictus
Vespro della Beata Vergine, "composti sopra canti fermi":Magnificat: Et exultavit
The Kiss
Hashirim asher lish'lomo (The Songs of Solomon):Yitgadal veyitkadash (The Living God)
Toma Cecchini: Laudate Dominum
Danse Real
Hashirim asher lish'lomo (The Songs of Solomon):Psalm 124, "Shir hammaalot"
Ivan Lukačić: Quemadmodum Desiderat
Deh, Non Far, 1564
Masses, Book 3: Missa Brevis:Gloria
Assumpta est Maria
Vespro della Beata Vergine, "composti sopra canti fermi":Intonatio: Deus in adiutorium - Domine ad adiuvandum
Psalmes, Sonets and Songs (Anonymous text): Though Amaryllis dance in green
Vespro della Beata Vergine, "composti sopra canti fermi":Magnificat: Esurientes implevit bonis
Surgens Jesus
Aeterna Christi munera
Vespro della Beata Vergine, "composti sopra canti fermi":Psalm 112, "Laudate pueri dominum"
Masses, Book 2: Missa Papae Marcelli:Benedictus
Vespro della Beata Vergine, "composti sopra canti fermi":Psalm 147, "Lauda Jerusalem"
Masses, Book 4: Missa Lauda Sion:Credo
Masses, Book 5: Missa Aeterna Christi munera:Offertorium: Mihi autem
Hashirim asher lish'lomo (The Songs of Solomon):Psalm 118 Verse: 26-29, "Baruch haba"
Lamentations, Book 4:Feria VI: Lectio III
Stabat mater a 8
Breathe soft, ye winds
Vespro della Beata Vergine, "composti sopra canti fermi":Concerto: Pulchra es
Deus, Qui Nos In Tantis Periculis, 1622.
Hashirim asher lish'lomo (The Songs of Solomon):Psalm 100, "Mizmor letoda"
Thus sings my dearest jewell
Masses, Book 5: Missa Aeterna Christi munera:Kyrie
Masses, Book 5: Missa Aeterna Christi munera:Gloria
Hashirim asher lish'lomo (The Songs of Solomon):Ein keloheinu (There Is None Like Our God)
Peccantem me quotidie
Vespro della Beata Vergine, "composti sopra canti fermi":Magnificat: Deposuit potentes de sede
The First Set of Madrigals and Mottets: Ah, deere hart
The Lamentations of the Prophet Jeremiah (For Thursday in Holy Week):Lamentatio Tertia
Masses, Book 3: Missa L'homme arme a 5:Kyrie
Lamentations, Book 4:Feria VI: Lectio II
Hashirim asher lish'lomo (The Songs of Solomon):Psalm 112, "Haleluyah"
Requiem:Introitus: Requiem aeternam
Requiem:Sequentia: Dies irae
Vespro della Beata Vergine, "composti sopra canti fermi":Magnificat: Sicut erat in principio
masses, book 14: MIS SaaS sum PTA EST Maria: agnus dei
masses, book 2: MissA papa呃Marcel裡:kyrie
Julije Skjavetić: Pater Noster
ha是日masher歷史LOMO (the songs of Solomon):I've怒 (cause US, o lord to lie down in peace)
Requiem:agnus dei
ha是日masher歷史LOMO (the songs of Solomon):psalm 111, "Hale路雅黑"
and日JA moto V UN JA您: D eh CH IPO trap IU
gradual: pro PT而VE Rita TEM
the lamentation soft和prophet Jeremiah (for Saturday in holy week):lament ATI op日麻
ha是日masher歷史LOMO (the songs of Solomon):psalm 118 verse: 21-24, "O的cha口I Anita你"
the lamentation soft和prophet Jeremiah (for Saturday in holy week):lament ATI OT而Tia
masses, book 3: MissA LH OM麼arm EA 5:agnus dei i-II
S他爸他媽TERA 8
Ivan Lukačić: Panis Angelicus
Q u amp UL承認AES, 1620.
and日JA moto V UN JA您: IO MI part O
masses, book 4: MissA lauda SiO N:agnus dei
Requiem:Commun IO: lux啊eternal UC eat EI是
the lamentation soft和prophet Jeremiah (for Thursday in holy week):lament ATI op日麻
ballet ts to five VO與測試, book 1: no. 2. F嬰兒, 反應而
and日J阿pat日刺激: son quest IB EIC Rin Doro
Christ US熱塑R跟sex默認推送
A collection of glee sand madrigals: come let US joint和roundelay
masses, book 3: MissA LH OM麼arm EA 5:credo
lamentations, book 4:Fe日AVI: LE CTI OI
masses, book 3: MissA bre vis:kyrie
masses, book 4: MissA lauda SiO N:off反而to日um: sac而dotes Domini哦
masses, book 2: MissA papa呃Marcel裡:credo
VE是pro的Ella beat av而GI呢, "com post ISO PR AC anti Fermi":magnificat: SI cut lo cut uses T
kyrie E類son (MissA quint ITO你)
magnificat Oct AVI Toni super Aurora了UCI輸入提拉鰨
ha是日masher歷史LOMO (the songs of Solomon):psalm 121, "shi人啦媽媽啊咯痰"
Ivan Lukačić: Quam Pulchra Es
VE是pro的Ella beat av而GI呢, "com post ISO PR AC anti Fermi":magnificat: Fe此貼potent IA M
masses, book 2: MissA papa呃Marcel裡:Gloria
VE是pro的Ella beat av而GI呢, "com post ISO PR AC anti Fermi":concerto: Audi此OE路面
12 original English G了ES: foresters, sound the cheerful horn
VE是pro的Ella beat av而GI呢, "com post ISO PR AC anti Fermi":magnificat: SU手冊pit Israel
masses, book 3: MissA bre vis:credo
lamentations, book 4:Fe日av: l ECT IO III
masses, book 5: MissA AE特RNA Chris題目n而A:Commun IO: VE尼特post麼
the lamentation soft和prophet Jeremiah (for Friday in holy week):lament ATI op日麻
lauda Ted O米num, 1619.
ha是日masher歷史LOMO (the songs of Solomon):l EMI惡臭pots (tow home would i give hon our)
songs of 3, 4, 5, 安定 6 parts: music Divine
masses, book 3: MissA bre vis:intro ITU是: PU而Nat use St no比賽
masses, book 4: MissA lauda SiO N:sanctus
masses, book 14: MIS SaaS sum PTA EST Maria:sanctus
come, gentle swains and Shepherd S dainty daughters (after CRO CES hard不要啊Crystal fountain)
the squirrel
sweet and low
VE是pro的Ella beat av而GI呢, "com post ISO PR AC anti Fermi":magnificat: ET misericordia
masses, book 5: MissA AE特RNA Chris題目n而A:agnus dei
the lamentation soft和prophet Jeremiah (for Friday in holy week):lament ATI OT而Tia
kyrie E類son (MissA pro defunct is)
masses, book 4: MissA lauda SiO N:Commun IO: quot IE scum卻滿肚擦鼻涕是
app AR Iran per me, 1562
ESI Stein HAL be是him Mel Reich (there ISA Paradise on earth):there ISA Paradise on earth
Vespro della Beata Vergine, "composti sopra canti fermi":Sonata: Sancta Maria ora pro nobis
Graduale: Si Ambulem, Missa Pro Defunctis
Il salmo Miserere mei Deus
Optimum Partem
Masses, Book 2: Missa Papae Marcelli:Agnus Dei I-II
Hashirim asher lishlomo (The Songs of Solomon):Eftach shir bisfatai (I Open My Lips)
Masses, Book 5: Missa Aeterna Christi munera:Introitus: Mihi autem
Vespro della Beata Vergine, "composti sopra canti fermi":Magnificat: Quia fecit mihi magna
Masses, Book 4: Missa Lauda Sion:Gloria
Pater Noster, 1564.
Vinko Jelić: Domine, Dominus Noster
Son Questi Bei Crin DOro, 1550.
Masses, Book 14: Missa Assumpta est Maria:Kyrie
Petar Hektorović: Kada Mi Se Radosave
Hashirim asher lishlomo (The Songs of Solomon):Psalm 80 Verse: 4, 8 and 20, "Elohim hashivenu"
Gaudeamus omnes in Domino
Vespro della Beata Vergine, "composti sopra canti fermi":Concerto: Nigra sum
Masses, Book 14: Missa Assumpta est Maria: Credo
Vespro della Beata Vergine, "composti sopra canti fermi":Magnificat: Magnificat anima mea
Masses, Book 5: Missa Aeterna Christi munera:Credo
Balletts and Madrigals to 5 Voyces: Harke all ye lovely saints above
Masses, Book 3: Missa Brevis:Sanctus
Hashirim asher lishlomo (The Songs of Solomon):Eftach na seftai (Let Me Open My Lips)
Vespro della Beata Vergine, "composti sopra canti fermi":Psalm 121, "Laetatus sum"
Masses, Book 3: Missa Brevis:Agnus Dei
Masses, Book 5: Missa Aeterna Christi munera:Sanctus
Missa Brevis: "Introitus: Puer Natus Est Nobis"
Strike the Lyre
Masses, Book 14: Missa Assumpta est Maria:Benedictus
O Who will oer the Downs so Free?, "Hickerstirns Song"
Waters of Elle
Masses, Book 3: Missa Brevis:Benedictus
The Goslings
The Lamentations of the Prophet Jeremiah (For Saturday in Holy Week):Lamentatio Secunda
Masses, Book 4: Missa Lauda Sion:Introitus: Cibavit eos
The First Set of Madrigals and Mottets: O that the learned poets of this time
Motets for 4 Voices, Book 2:Sicut cervus
The Lamentations of the Prophet Jeremiah (For Friday in Holy Week):Lamentatio Secunda
Scenes from the Saga of King Olaf, Op. 30: As Torrents in Summer
Hashirim asher lishlomo (The Songs of Solomon):Barechu (Bless the Lord)
Missa Brevis: "Kyrie"
Masses, Book 3: Missa Brevis:Communio: Viderunt omnes
Motets for 4 Voices, Book 2:Super flumina Babylonis
Hashirim asher lishlomo (The Songs of Solomon):Psalm 137, "Al naharot bavel" (By the Rivers of Babylon)
Regina coeli laetar
Requiem:Offertorium: Domine Jesu Christe, Rex Gloriae
7 Partsongs: No. 6. The Long Day Closes (version for vocal ensemble)
Madrigalls for 4 Voices, Book 1: Aprill is in my mistris face
Hashirim asher lishlomo (The Songs of Solomon):Adon olam (Lord of the World)
Petar Hektorović: I Kliče Djevojka
Julije Skjavetić: Deh, Non Far
Vespro della Beata Vergine, "composti sopra canti fermi":Hymn: Ave maris stella
RadoslavS Yearning, 1557.
Domine, Dominus Noster, 1622.
Quemadmodum Desiderat, 1620.
Vinko Jelić: Deus, Qui Nos In Tantis Periculis
Io Mi Parto, 1508.
Deh Chi Potra Piu, 1517.
MONTEVERDI, C.: Vespro della Beata Vergine (Vespers of 1610) (Pro Cantione Antiqua)
Great Britain
LASSO, O. di: Lamentations of the Prophet Jeremiah (The) (Pro Cantione Antiqua, Turner)
LASSO, O. di: RequiemMusic for Easter Sunday (Pro Cantione Antiqua, Brown, Turner)
De Victoria - Tenebrae Responsories
Purcell in the Ale House - English Part Songs & Lute Songs-Apex
ROSSI, S.: Songs of Solomon (The) (Pro Cantione Antiqua, Fixman)
PALESTRINA, G.P. da: Missa Assumpta est MariaMissa Papae Marcelli (Pro Cantione Antiqua, Brown)
PALESTRINA, G.P. da: Choral Music (Pro Cantione Antiqua, Brown)
PALESTRINA, G.P. da: Lamentations, Book 4 (Pro Cantione Antiqua, B. Turner)
PALESTRINA, G.P. da: MassesMotets (Pro Cantione Antiqua, Brown)
Muzičke Večeri U Donatu 1977