Namner du Sverige (If You Mention Sweden)歌词
1.Namner du Sverige (If You Mention Sweden)
2.Bisp Thomas frihetssang (Bishop Thomas' Song of Freedom)
3.Ett folk, Op. 22:Ett folk, Op. 22: Sverige (Sweden)
4.4 Visor i folkton (4 Folk Ballads), Op. 5:No. 4. Bland skogens hoga furustammar (Among the High Fir-Trees in the Forest)
5.Bon i ofrestid (Prayer in Time of War)
6.3 Sanger:3 Sanger: No. 3. Till havs (Toward the Sea)
7.Ack Varmeland du skona (Ah Varmland, Thou Fairest)
8.Morgon (Morning)
9.Jungfrun under lind (The Maiden under the Linden-Tree)
10.Land du valsignade (O Thou Blessed Land):Land, du valsignade (Thou Blessed Country)
11.Studentsangen (The Student Song), "Sjungom studentens lyckliga dag" (Let Us Sing about the Happy Days of Students)
12.Sommarnatt (Summer Night)
13.Tonerna (Music)
14.Vita rosor (White Rose)
15.4 Visor i folkton (4 Folk Ballads), Op. 5:No. 1. Nar jag for mig sjalv i morka skogen gar (When I Walk Alone in the Dark Forest)
16.Sangen till havet (Song to the Sea)
17.Allt under himmelens faste (Beneath the Dome of the Sky)
18.I drommen du ar mig nara (In My Dreams You Are Near Me)
19.7 Dikter, Op. 28:7 Dikter, Op. 28: No. 6. Skogen sofver (The Forest sleeps)
20.Sjung din hela langtan ut(Sing Out Your Whole Yearning)
21.Visa kring slanblom och masnkara (Song of Blackthorn and Crescent Moon)
Nils GrevilliusJussi BjörlingNils Grevillius Orchestra热门专辑