John Clare - The Thrush's Nest歌词
1.Christina Georgina Rossetti - In the Willow Shade
2.Anne Bronte - The Captive Dove
3.Gerald Manley Hopkins - The Peacock's Eye
4.Thomas Hardy - Birds at Winter Nightfall (Triolet)
5.John Clare - Little Trotty Wagtail
6.Edward Lear - The Owl & The ***** Cat
7.Anonymous - I Saw a Peacock
8.Thomas Hardy - The Darkling Thrush
9.John Keats - Ode to a Nightingale
10.Charlotte Smith - The First Swallow
11.Rudyard Kipling - Cuckoo Song
12.Percy Bysshe Shelley - To a Skylark
13.Emily ********* - Hope Is the Thing with Feathers
14.John Keats - Song - I Had a Dove
15.Alfred Lord Tennyson - The Owl
16.Anonymous - The Twa Corbies - Ballad
17.Robert Southey - To a Goose
18.Emily ********* - I Have a Bird in Spring
19.Edward Thomas - Cock Crow
20.Anonymous - The Chickens
21.Christina Georgina Rossetti: If a Mouse Could Fly
22.Thomas Hardy - Shelly's Skylark
23.Alfred Lord Tennyson - The Eagle
24.Edward Thomas - Bird's Nests
25.John Clare - The Thrush's Nest
26.W H Davis - The Kingfisher
27.William Sharpe - On a Nightingale in April
28.Wb Yeats - The Wild Swans at Coole
29.Edward Lear - The Pelican Chorus
30.Edgar Allan Poe - The Raven
31.William Wilfred Campbell - To a Robin in November
Richard Mitchley热门专辑