When We Two Parted - Lord Byron歌词
1.Epitaph on My Ever Honoured Father - Robert Burns
2.Chorus of Eden Spirits - Elizabeth Barrett Browning
3.He That Is Down Needs Fear No Fall - John Bunyan
4.The Tyger - William Blake
5.Stanzas - Charlotte Bronte
6.Cricket at Harrow - Lord Byron
7.The Mad Gardener's Song - Lewis Carroll
8.Epitaph Willie - Robert Burns
9.Turtle Soup - Lewis Carroll
10.My God! Oh Let Me Call Thee Mine - Anne Bronte
11.The Echoing Green - William Blake
12.To a Gentleman - Robert Burns
13.Westminster Memorials - An Introduction
14.The Angel That Presided - William Blake
15.Apostasy - Charlotte Bronte
16.Febuary Morning - Robert Laurence Binyon
17.A Thought for a Lonely Death Bed - Elizabeth Barrett Browning
18.Infant Sorrow - William Blake
19.Ah Woe Is Me - Robert Burns
20.Last Lines - Emily Bronte
21.Thoughts on the Shape of a Human Body - Rupert Brooke
22.If Grief for Grief Can Touch These - Emily Bronte
23.A Little Boy Lost - William Blake
24.Rugby Chapel, November 1857 - Matthew Arnold
25.Call Me Away - Anne Bronte
26.Ode to Pity - Jane Austen
27.The Chestnut Tree - Robert Laurence Binyon -
28.The Vampyre - Lord Byron
29.Mutability - Rupert Brooke
30.I Would to Heaven That I Was so Much Clay - Lord Byron
31.To Winter - William Blake
32.Upon the Sacraments - John Bunyan
33.Longing - Matthew Arnold
34.Death, That Struck When I Was Most Confiding - Emily Bronte
35.Heaven - Rupert Brooke
36.To the Memory of Mrs. Lefroy Who Died December 16 My Birthday - Jane Austen
37.To a Lady Who Presented to the Author a Lock of Hair - Lord Byron
38.Of Holiness of Life - John Bunyan
39.When We Two Parted - Lord Byron
40.Change Upon Change - Elizabeth Barrett Browning
41.London - William Blake
42.Pine-Trees and the Sky - Rupert Brooke
43.My Dearest Frank, I Wish You Joy - Jane Austen
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