Forces For Victory [UpOnly 318] (Mix Cut)歌词
1.Arctic Stream **Exclusive Premiere** [UpOnly 318] (Mix Cut)
2.Lost Legend [PRE-RELEASE PICK] [UpOnly 318] (Mix Cut)
3.ID (Track #12) [UpOnly 318] (Mix Cut)
4.The Gate To The Shire **Exclusive Premiere** [UpOnly 318] (Mix Cut)
5.Uplifting Only [UpOnly 318] (Welcome & Coming Up In Episode 318)
6.Silent Heart [UpOnly 318] (Mix Cut)
7.Emotions [UpOnly 318] (Mix Cut)
8.Spring Blossoms **Exclusive Premiere** [UpOnly 318] (Mix Cut)
9.Uplifting Only [UpOnly 318] (Wrap-Up)
10.ID (Track #17) **Exclusive Premiere** [UpOnly 318] (Mix Cut)
11.Uplifting Only [UpOnly 318] (Intro)
12.ID (Track #16) [UpOnly 318] (Mix Cut)
13.Lost But Found [UpOnly 318] (Dub Mix - Mix Cut)
14.Sunrise Above Uyuni **Exclusive Premiere** [UpOnly 318] (Mix Cut)
15.Chemical Reaction [UpOnly 318] (Mix Cut)
16.ID (Track #5) **Exclusive Premiere** [UpOnly 318] (Mix Cut)
17.Butterfly Wing [UpOnly 318] (Mix Cut)
18.Ardua Vitus [UpOnly 318] (Mix Cut)
19.Strange Tale [FAN FAVORITE 316] [UpOnly 318] (Mix Cut)
20.Wendy [UpOnly 318] (Mix Cut)
21.Forces For Victory [UpOnly 318] (Mix Cut)
22.Sea Of Sounds [BREAKDOWN OF THE WEEK] [UpOnly 318] (Mix Cut)
23.Isolation [UpOnly 318] (TrancEye Remix - Mix Cut)
24.Into Space **Official Premiere** [UpOnly 318] (Mix Cut)
25.Uplifting Only [UpOnly 318] (Announcement for Premiere of Into Space)
26.Sunlight [UpOnly 318] (Mix Cut)
27.Morning Tears [UpOnly 318] (Intro Edit - Mix Cut)
28.ID (Track #6) [UpOnly 318] (Mix Cut)
29.ID (Track #7) [UpOnly 318] (Mix Cut)
30.Wonderful Morning **Exclusive Premiere** [SYMPHONIC SEND-OFF] [UpOnly 318] (Orchestral Mix - Mix Cut)
Miguel Angel Castellini热门专辑