世界の约束 (“ハウルの动く城”より)歌词
Written by:Youmi Kimura/Shuntaro Tanikawa/Yoichi Tanoue/Micanx

The smile misting swinging in the tears
I had known from a long time ago
Never changed never moved all the time
It's surely the promise of love
Though yesterday said has a part now
I can feel the glow of today
Because when you spent all the love of our lives
It's always like the time we met first time

You are nowhere in my memory
Where I can't find all of your heart
But now I'm feeling a breeze
Quit tracking find your gone pure hearts

At last there's a bind
In the fond like you knew the real
You're from inside the line
Made it nothing is on eternal

Even though time said has a part now
I don't see the end of tomorrow
Like pretenderness in a lurking night
I believe you love
You show me when we smile
You are nowhere in my memory
Where I can't find all of your heart
But now I hear your sweet voice
Which seems to be the sky blue
Fragrance of this blossoms
The promise of love of our lives

1.崖の上のポニョ (“崖の上のポニョ”より)
2.ルージュの伝言 (“魔女の宅急便”より)
3.君をのせて (“天空の城ラピュタ”より)
4.テルーの呗 (“ゲド戦记”より)
5.世界の约束 (“ハウルの动く城”より)
6.となりのトトロ (“となりのトトロ”より)
7.いつも何度でも (“千と千寻の神隠し”より)
8.カントリー・ロード (“耳をすませば”より)
9.Arrietty’s Song (“借りぐらしのアリエッティ”より)
10.もののけ姫 (“もののけ姫”より)
11.风の谷のナウシカ (“风の谷のナウシカ”より)