Edith Nesbit - Hop Picking歌词
1.Edith Nesbit - Prayer in Time of War
2.Amelia Opie - Ode on the Present Time, 27th January 1795 - Amelia Opie
3.Alice Moore Dunbar Nelson - If I Had Known
4.Katherine Mansfield - Spring Wind in London
5.Mary Darby Robinson - Life
6.Christian Milne - Written in September 1804
7.Alice Meynell - Christ in the Universe
8.Katherine Mansfield - Very Early Spring
9.Alice Meynell - To a Poet
10.Hannah More - The Slave Trade
11.Edith Nesbit - Hop Picking
12.Mary Darby Robinson - The Faded Bouquet
13.Alice Meynell - A Letter from a Girl to Her Own Age
14.Adelaide Anne Proctor - A Woman's Question
15.Edith Nesbit - Work
16.Alice Meynell - Summer in England 1914
17.Alice Dunbar Nelson - Sonnet
18.Alice Moore Dunbar Nelson - Impressions
19.Katherine Phillips - To One Persuading a Lady to Marriage
20.Julia a Moore - Fourth of July
21.Mary Darby Robinson - Sonnet VI - Is It to Love
22.Charlotte Mary Mew - Sea Love
23.Fanny Parnell - After Death
24.Katherine Phillips - Against Love
25.Mary Darby Robinson - January 1795
26.Edith Nesbit - To a Child
27.The Female Poet - An Introduction - Vol 4
28.Charlotte Mary Mew - Moorland Night
29.Lady Mary Wortley Montagu - Constantinople
30.Lucy Maud Montgomery - The Forest Path
31.Lady Mary Wortley Montagu - Written at Lovere, October 1736
Richard Mitchley热门专辑