Prague National Theatre Orchestra
Dvořák: Kate And The Devil
Kate and the Devil, ., Act III, Scene 1: "Now Sad the Castle" (kněžna)
Kate and the Devil, ., Act III, Scene 1: "Now Sad the Castle" (kněžna)
Dvořák: Kate And The Devil
Prague National Theatre Orchestra
Kate and the Devil, ., Act III, Scene 1: "Now Sad the Castle" (kněžna)歌词
Kate and the Devil, ., Act III: "Steady, Princess, You Go with Me!" (Jirka, čert Marbuel, kněžna)
Kate and the Devil, ., Act I: "Hurray! Jirka Is Here Again!" (Jirka)
Kate and the Devil, ., Act III: "Take a Seat Here, My Dear Princess" (Jirka, kněžna)
Kate and the Devil, ., Act II: "Overture"
Kate and the Devil, ., Act III: "He Is Here, the Shepherd, Your Grace!" (Jirka, kněžna, maršálek)
The Kiss: Act 3 - "He is here, the shepherd, Your Grace!"
Kate and the Devil, ., Act II: "Shall I Forever Listen to Your Larm?" (Lucifer, čert vrátný)
Kate and the Devil, ., Act I: "Good Evening!" (čert Marbuel, muzikant)
Kate and the Devil, ., Act III: "What Can I Do My Gracious Princess?" (kněžna, komorná)
Kate and the Devil, ., Act II: "Glory to the Might of Gold"
Kate and the Devil, ., Act II: "Everywhere I Heard but Laments" (čert Marbuel, Lucifer)
Kate and the Devil, ., Act II: "-" (Jirka, čert Marbuel)
Kate and the Devil, ., Act II: "How Do You like It Here in Hell?" (Jirka, Káča, čert Marbuel)
Kate and the Devil, ., Act II: "Devilish Dance (Dance of Hell)"
Kate and the Devil, ., Act I: "It Is Somewhat Out-of-the-Way" (Jirka, Káča, máma, čert Marbuel)
Kate and the Devil, ., Act II: "Kate, Get Ready Now!" (Káča, čert Marbuel)
Kate and the Devil, ., Act III, Scene 1: "Now Sad the Castle" (kněžna)
Kate and the Devil, ., Act III: "Overture (Polonaise)"
Kate and the Devil, ., Act I: "Dance (Valse)"
Kate and the Devil, ., Act I: "O Me, Little Shepherd Poor" (Jirka)
Kate and the Devil, ., Act I: "May I Offer You a Drink, Please?" (Káča, čert Marbuel)
Kate and the Devil, .: "Overture"
Kate and the Devil, ., Act II: "What Seek You? What Do You Want Here?" (Jirka, Káča, čert Marbuel, Lucifer)
Kate and the Devil, ., Act II: "Who Is It You, Brother, Carry What Does It All Mean?" (Káča, čert Marbuel, Lucifer, čert vrátný)
Kate and the Devil, ., Act I: "Why so Early, Shepherd" (Jirka)
Kate and the Devil, ., Act III: "For Your Gracious Kindness to Us" (Jirka, kněžna)
Kate and the Devil, ., Act I: "I´ve Been Kicked Out!" (Jirka, Káča, čert Marbuel)
Kate and the Devil, ., Act III: "Here I Am, What Is It, Jirka?" (Jirka, Káča)
Kate and the Devil, ., Act I: "Isn´t It Enraging?" (Káča, máma)
Kate and the Devil, ., Act III: "I Am Grateful!" (Jirka, Káča, kněžna)
The Kiss: Act 2 - "Everywhere I heard but laments"
The Kiss: Act 2 - "Who is it you, brother, carry what does it all mean?"
The King and the Charcoal Burner, ., Act I, Scene 3 - 4: "May I Enter" (Matěj, uhlíř v křivoklátských lesích, Anna, jeho žena, Liduš
The Kiss: Act 1, Scene 2 - "They're coming"
Káťa Kabanová, JW I8:Act II Scene 1
Two Widows, ., Act II, Scene 4: "Halt, Sir!" (Mumlal, hajný, Karolína, vdova, Anežka, vdova, Lidunka, selské děvče, Ladislav Podhajs
Mignon, ., Act I: "Connais tu le pays" (Mignon)
Kate and the Devil, ., Act III: "Steady, Princess, You Go with Me!" (Jirka, čert Marbuel, kněžna)
The Kiss: Act 2, Scene 4 - "Ha, ha, Lukáš, you have such troubles with your love!"
Two Widows, ., Act II, Scene 9: "Gracious Lady!" (Karolina, vdova, Anežka, vdova, Ladislav Podhájský)
Silesian Songs, .: In the Black Wood a Little Bird Is Singing
Dalibor, ., Act I, Scene 5: "U svých mne zde vidíte nohou" (Vladislav, český král, Milada, sestra purkrabího ploskovického)
Silesian Songs, .: There Is Water in the Tracks
The Macropulos Case. Opera in 3 Acts: 2. Act 1 "Oh dear, my goodness!"
Rusalka, ., Act II: "Well Then My Dear Boy" (Hajný, Kuchtík)
Jenufa, ., Act I, Scene 7: "How All Števa´s Pride" (stařenka Buryjovka, Laca Klemeň, nevlastní bratr Števy, vnuk stařenky Buryjy, Je
The Kiss, JB 1:104, Act II, Scene 7: Announce, Little Bird, Announce (Barče, děvečka u Palouckých)
Dalibor, ., Act II, Scene 1: "Ba nejveselejší je tento svět"
Jenufa, ., Act III, Scene 2: "God Be With You" (Laca Klemeň, nevlastní bratr Števy, vnuk stařenky Buryjy, Kostelnička Buryjovka, vdo
The Kiss: Act 2, Scene 3 - "Just ask for it, you fool"
The Kiss, JB 1:104, Act I, Scene 3: Good Evening! - Here, My Brother-in Law, Lukáš (otec Paloucký, Lukáš, mladý vdovec, Tomeš, švagr Lukášův)
The Macropulos Case. Opera in 3 Acts: 8. Act 2 "Since then my life seems"
The Kiss: Act 1, Scene 1 - "Vendulka! Vendulka!"
The Macropulos Case. Opera in 3 Acts: 8. Act 1 "Have you any proof of this?"
Dido and Aeneas, ., Act III: "When I Am Laid in Earth" (Dido)
Two Widows, ., Act II, Scene 9: "Ah, What a Surprise" (Mumlal, hajný, Karolína, vdova, Anežka, vdova, Lidunka, selské děvče, Ladisla
Káťa Kabanová, JW I8:Act I Scene 1
The King and the Charcoal Burner, ., Act III, Scene 5 - 6: "Take a Look at All This Finery, Wife" (Král Matyáš, Matěj, uhlíř v křivo
The Macropulos Case. Opera in 3 Acts: 20. Act 3 "Allow me to inform you gentlemen"
Silesian Songs, .: Hah, What Is Rustling There
Two Widows, ., Act II, Scene 3: "A Poem!" (Mumlal, hajný, Karolína, vdova, Anežka, vdova, Lidunka, selské děvče, Ladislav Podhajský,
The Macropulos Case. Opera in 3 Acts: 12. Act 2 "And can you tell me real name of this Ellian?"
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