BBC's Brian Matthew Interview Beatles Following US Tour - 22264歌词
1.Beatles Interviewed at the Plaza Hotel - 21064
2.John Lennon Interviewed at British Embassy - 21164
3.Teenager Marsha Albert Introduces First U.S. Airplay for The Beatles
4.Paul McCartney Interviewed for Swedish Radio - 102463
5.NY DJ Murray The K Interviews George Harrison - 2964
6.Beatles Interviewed by BBC Radio's Phil Tate - 83063
7.Interview With Manager of NYC's Plaza Hotel - 21064
8.Beatles Discuss Future Careers When They Flop - 11463
9.Murray The K Beatles Radio Promo - 21064
10.Beatles are Presented Awards from Harold Wilson - 31964
11.Beatles Interviewed by Frank Hall at Dublin Airport - 11763
12.Beatles Press Conference at Heathrow Airport - 22264
13.Beatles Interviewed at Regal Theatre in Cambridge England - 112663
14.BBC's Beatles Invade America Report From NYC - 27-864
15.Beatles Radio Message to Australian Fans - 91263
16.BBC's Brian Matthew Interview Beatles Following US Tour - 22264
17.Beatles TV Press Conference Prior to First U.S. Concert - 21164
18.Beatles T.V. Interview in Paris Following Concert - 12464
19.Four Female Fans are Interviewed at NYC's Plaza Hotel - 21064
20.Beatles Radio Interview with Australian Broadcaster Dibbs Mather - 121063
21.Beatles Christmas Message for Fans on BBC - 121763
The Beatles热门专辑