in credits 2歌詞
1.Happily After-Deavor
2.Together Forever and Deavor
3.Out and a Bout
4.Chill or Be Chilled - Frozone's Theme
5.A Tony Perspective
6.Here Comes Elastigirl - Elastigirl's Theme (A Cappella)
7.Looks Like I Picked the Wrong Week to Quit Oxygen
8.Chad Tonight Newscast Bumper
9.Diggin' the New Digs
10.Pow! Pow! Pow! - Mr. Incredible's Theme
11.A Matter of Perception
12.World's Worst Babysitters
13.Rocky vs. Jack-Jack
14.Super Legal Again
15.A Dash of Reality
16.Chad Tonight Talk Show Theme
17.El a受體girls go ta plane to catch
18.consider yourselves undermined!
19.episode 2
20.El a受體girl is back
21.this AI你TM有super-suit?
22.T和glory days (A cappella)
23.Dev techno! credits 2
25.searching fora screen slaver comes El a受體girl - El a受體girls theme
27.C hill or BEC hilled - fr ozones theme (A cappella)
28.pow! pow! pow! - Mr. incredible是theme (A cappella)
29.A bridge too Parr
30.Jack splat
31.Hero Worship
32.Helen of Ploy
33.Renouncing the Renunciation
34.Hydrofoiled Again
35.Train of Taut
36.Ambassador Ambush
Michael Giacchino熱門專輯