Rodion Shchedrin
Rodion Shchedrin
The Sealed Angel: III. L`istesso tempo - Sostenuto Assai
Dead Souls, Act III: Introduction to the Song "Ne bely snegi"
Carmen Suite (based on Bizet Opera): Carmen Suite: VII. Second Intermezzo
The Sealed Angel: VII. May My Prayer Improve
Carmen Suite for Strings and Percussion: III. First Intermezzo
24 Preludes and Fugues, Book II: No. 18 Fugue in F Minor
The Sealed Angel: V. L`istesso tempo
24 Preludes and Fugues, Book II: No. 17 Prelude in A-Flat Major
Sonata for Cello and Piano: II. Moderato
Dead Souls, Act III: Service of Prosecutor's Burial "Upokoy, Gospodi, dushu"
25 Preludes - "Polyphonic Notebook": No. 3 Ostinato
24 Preludes and Fugues, Book I: No. 10 Prelude in C-Sharp Minor
Carmen Suite for Strings and Percussion: II. Dance
24 Preludes and Fugues, Book I: No. 3 Fugue in G Major
Carmen Suite for Strings and Percussion: V. Carmen’s Entrance and Habanera
25 Preludes - "Polyphonic Notebook": No. 4Fughetta
24 Preludes and Fugues, Book II: No. 14 Prelude in E-Flat Minor
Dead Souls, Act III: Rumors in the Town "Chto za pricha"
24 Preludes and Fugues, Book II: No. 14 Fugue in E-Flat Minor
25 Preludes - "Polyphonic Notebook": No. 11 Counterpoint
The Sealed Angel: VIII. Lento assai
Music for strings, oboes, horns and celesta (1986) based on the music of the ballet “The Lady with a Lap-Dog”
24 Preludes and Fugues, Book I: No. 11 Fugue in B Major
24 Preludes and Fugues, Book I: No. 8 Prelude in F-Sharp Minor
Dead Souls, Act I: Songs "Ty polyn', polynechka trava"
24 Preludes and Fugues, Book II: No. 16 Prelude in B-Flat Minor
24 Preludes and Fugues, Book II: No. 13 Fugue in G-Flat Major
The Sealed Angel: IV. Rabbioso
25 Preludes - "Polyphonic Notebook": No. 2 Canon at the Octave
Chamber Suite in Five Parts: I. Prelude
Carmen Suite for Strings and Percussion: XI. Adagio
Carmen Suite for Strings and Percussion: VIII. Bolero
Dead Souls, Act II: Governor’s Ball "Konechno, da, konechno, eto tak"
Dead Souls, Act I: Shiben "Ey, Selifan"
Russian Photographs : IV. Evening Bells
Concerto Parlando for Violin, Trumpet and Strings: III. Allegro, ma non Troppo
Musical Offering: 5th Movement
Russian Photographs: II. Cockroaches throughout Moscow (Music in D Major)
24 Preludes and Fugues, Book I: No. 9 Fugue in E Major
Music for the Town of Köthen: I. Allegro moderat
Dead Souls, Act I: Manilov "Mayskiy den' ... Imeniny serdtsa ..."
25 Preludes - "Polyphonic Notebook": No. 24 The Horizontal and the Vertical
Carmen Suite (based on Bizet Opera): Carmen Suite: V. Carmen's Entrance and Habanera
Carmen Suite: Changing the Guard
24 Preludes and Fugues, Book II: No. 22 Prelude in G Minor
Carmen Suite (based on Bizet Opera): Carmen Suite: X. Torrero and Carmen
24 Preludes and Fugues, Book II: No. 16 Fugue in B-Flat Minor
Veličanie : Glorification
Dead Souls, Act I: Nozdryov "Ba, ba, ba!.. A ya, brat, s yarmarki"
24 Preludes and Fugues, Book I: No. 3 Prelude in G Major
The Sealed Angel: II. Allegro
Piano Sonata No. 2: III. Presto possibile
The Sealed Angel: VIII. Hallowed Be Thy Name
25 Preludes - "Polyphonic Notebook": No. 5 Canonic Imitation
Carmen Suite (based on Bizet Opera): Carmen Suite: XIII. Fortune Telling
Carmen Suite: Second Intermezzo
Dead Souls, Act I: Lunch at the Procurator’s "Vivat, Pavel Ivanovich"
25 Preludes - "Polyphonic Notebook": No. 10Chaconne
Musical Offering: 1st Movement
Carmen Suite for Strings and Percussion: IV. Changing of the Guard
24 Preludes and Fugues, Book I: No. 5 Fugue in D Major
24 Preludes and Fugues, Book II: No. 18 Prelude in F Minor
24 Preludes and Fugues, Book II: No. 17 Fugue in A-Flat Major
25 Preludes - "Polyphonic Notebook": No. 7 Mirror Canon
The Sealed Angel: IX. Sostenuto
24 Preludes and Fugues, Book I: No. 8 Fugue in F-Sharp Minor
Carmen Suite (based on Bizet Opera): Carmen Suite: XI. Adagio
Musical Offering: 2nd Movement
25 Preludes - "Polyphonic Notebook": No. 21 Passacaglia
24 Preludes and Fugues, Book II: No. 19 Fugue in E-Flat Major
24 prelude sand fugues, book i: no. 1 fugue Inc major
Carmen suite (base Don Bizet opera): Carmen suite: IV. changing of the guard
24 prelude sand fugues, book II: no. 22 fugue ing minor
Carmen suite for strings and percussion: X II. fortunetelling
24 prelude sand fugues, book II: no. 15 fugue Ind-flat major
Carmen suite: Ada及O
the sealed Angel: VII. lament哦
musical offering: 3RD movement
Carmen suite: dance
25 preludes - "polyphonic notebook": no. 6collateral parts
24 prelude sand fugues, book II: no. 19 prelude in E-flat major
Carmen suite (base Don Bizet opera): Carmen suite: II. dance
dead souls, act II: soldier’是wife’是lament "P Ora ZT Ron提示音A, 領域Dido不容易呀"
25 preludes - "polyphonic notebook": no. 1 two-part invention
Carmen suite (base Don Bizet opera): Carmen suite: IX. to肉肉兒哦
25 preludes - "polyphonic notebook": no. 17 perpetual Canon
24 prelude sand fugues, book i: no. 12 fugue ing-sharp minor
25 preludes - "polyphonic notebook": no. 14 Canon by augmentation
24 prelude sand fugues, book i: no. 6 fugue in B minor
concerto par藍do for violin, trumpet and strings: i. allegro moderato
the sealed Angel: i. the Angelo ft和lord
Russian photographs: i. the ancient town of ale K死你
Carmen suite (base Don Bizet opera): Carmen suite: X II. flower song
Carmen suite: fortune - telling
25 preludes - "polyphonic notebook": no. 16 basso ostinato
Carmen suite: bolero
the sealed Angel: i. SOS特nut OAS賽
24 prelude sand fugues, book i: no. 12 prelude ing-sharp minor
Carmen suite (base Don Bizet opera): Carmen suite: vi. scene
24 prelude sand fugues, book II: no. 23 fugue inf major
25 preludes - "polyphonic notebook": no. 8recitative and crab motion
24 prelude sand fugues, book i: no. 4 fugue in E minor
25 preludes - "polyphonic notebook": no. 20 Canon to A cantus firm US
25 preludes - "polyphonic notebook": no. 18 fugue
the sealed Angel: vi. PE三特
dead souls, act i: KO RO播出卡 "oh, 把它與深刻IB Eda"
25 preludes - "polyphonic notebook": no. 13 three-part invention
24 prelude sand fugues, book i: no. 9 prelude in E major
24 prelude sand fugues, book i: no. 11 prelude in B major
25 preludes - "polyphonic notebook": no. 19 triple counterpoint
the sealed Angel: III. Angel soft和assumption
25 preludes - "polyphonic notebook": no. 25 polyphonic mosaic
int和style喔fa LBE你在
musical offering: 6TH movement
dead souls, act III: two ladies "so發芽Ivanovna!..."
24 prelude sand fugues, book i: no. 10 fugue Inc-sharp minor
Carmen suite for strings and percussion: VII. second intermezzo
25 preludes - "polyphonic notebook": no. 12 TOC CA Tina - collage
Carmen suite: torero and Carmen
24 prelude sand fugues, book i: no. 6 prelude in B minor
Carmen suite (base Don Bizet opera): Carmen suite: X IV. finale
25 preludes - "polyphonic notebook": no. 15 motet
24 prelude sand fugues, book i: no. 1 prelude Inc major
sonata force力量o and piano: i. allegretto
Carmen suite: Carmen說entrance
Carmen suite (base Don Bizet opera): Carmen suite: III. first intermezzo
Carmen suite: scene
Carmen Suite for Strings and Percussion: I. Introduction
Sonata for Cello and Piano: III. Sostenuto assai
24 Preludes and Fugues, Book I: No. 2 Prelude in A Minor
Carmen Suite for Strings and Percussion: X. Torero and Carmen
Concerto Parlando for Violin, Trumpet and Strings: II. Lento Assai
Dead Souls, Act III: Scene and Finale "Ba, ba, ba! Vse v gorode protiv"
Carmen Suite (based on Bizet Opera): Carmen Suite: VIII. Bolero
24 Preludes and Fugues, Book II: No. 13 Prelude in G-Flat Major
24 Preludes and Fugues, Book I: No. 7 Fuguein A Major
24 Preludes and Fugues, Book II: No. 24 Prelude in D Minor
24 Preludes and Fugues, Book I: No. 2 Fugue in A Minor
24 Preludes and Fugues, Book II: No. 24 Fugue in D Minor
Carmen Suite for Strings and Percussion: IX. Torero
24 Preludes and Fugues, Book I: No. 4 Prelude in E Minor
Musical Offering: 4th Movement
Carmen Suite for Strings and Percussion: VI. Scene
Carmen Suite (based on Bizet Opera): Carmen Suite: I. Introduction
Not Love Alone: Varvaras Song and Ditties "Po Lesam Kudryavym"
24 Preludes and Fugues, Book I: No. 7 Prelude in A Major
25 Preludes - "Polyphonic Notebook": No. 23 Double Fugue
24 Preludes and Fugues, Book II: No. 21 Fugue in B-Flat Major
Piano Sonata No. 2: I. Allegro moderato
24 Preludes and Fugues, Book II: No. 23 Prelude in F Major
Dead Souls, Act II: Plyushkin "Poslushay, matushka, chto barin..."
Carmen Suite: First Intermezzo
25 Preludes - "Polyphonic Notebook": No. 22 Three-Part Canon
Chamber Suite in Five Parts: II. Intermezzo
24 Preludes and Fugues, Book II: No. 20 Prelude in C Minor
25 Preludes - "Polyphonic Notebook": No. 9 Étude
Carmen Suite: Introduction
24 Preludes and Fugues, Book I: No. 5 Prelude in D Major
Dead Souls, Act II: Sobakevich "Tolkuyut: prosveschenye"
Carmen Suite for Strings and Percussion: XIII. Finale
Dead Souls, Act I: Introduction "Ne bely snegi"
The Sealed Angel: II. Because the Lord Has Appeared to Us
Dead Souls, Act I: Road "Ey, vy, lyubeznye moi"
The Left-Hander, Act II: The Russified Flea
24 Preludes and Fugues, Book II: No. 15 Prelude in D-Flat Major
24 Preludes and Fugues, Book II: No. 20 Fugue in C Minor
Carmen Suite: Finale
Piano Sonata No. 2: II. Sostenuto cantabile
Russian Photographs: III. Stalin-Cocktail
24 Preludes and Fugues, Book II: No. 21 Prelude in B-Flat Major
Dead Souls, Act I: Coachman Selifan "Kamenny palaty zabelelisya"
Music for the Town of Köthen: II. Andante
Music for the Town of Köthen: III. A Little Apotheosis - Moderato Maestroso
Anthology of Russian Sacred Music
Cello Alchemy: Music from Russia & Eastern Europe
Shchedrin: Music for Cello and Piano
Concertos Parlando: Balys Dvarionas, Rodion Shchedrin, Sergej Prokofiev, Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, Eugène Ysaÿe
Leningrad 1988: III. International Music Festival (Digitally Remastered)
Grieg: Aus Holbergs Zeit - Paganini: Perpetum Mobile - Bizet-Shchedrin: Carmen Suite
The Ossipov Balalaika Orchestra, Vol III: Symphonic Works by Russian Composers
Shchedrin: Carmen Suite - Russian Photographs - Glorification
Shchedrin: The Sealed Angel
Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra. Historical Recordings
Shchedrin: The Left-Hander
Shchedrin: Music for the Town of Köthen & Self-Portrait