Jill Gomez
Jill Gomez
Admeto, rè di Tessaglia, HWV 22, Act 2 Scene 4:Recitativo, "Per me si strugge Trasimede, oh Dio!" (Antigona)
Admeto, rè di Tessaglia, HWV 22, Act 2 Scene 4:No. 20, Aria, "E per monti e per piano e per selve" (Antigona)
Pt. 2. The Narrator: And the boy's mother
Miss Julie, Act II Scene 1: We'll Start a Hotel
Pt. 1. I have no money for my bread
Admeto, rè di Tessaglia, HWV 22, Act 2 Scene 4:Recitativo, "Per me si strugge Trasimede, oh Dio!" (Antigona)
Miss Julie, Act II Scene 1: I'm Ready Now, Jean
Vespro della Beata Vergine: Magnificat
Quatre Chansons Françaises:II. Sagesse
Baïlèro (abbrev.) (Chants d'Auvergne, Series 1 No. 2)
Pt.1. A Spiritual: Steal Away
Admeto, rè di Tessaglia, HWV 22, Act 2 Scene 4:No. 20, Aria, "E per monti e per piano e per selve" (Antigona)
Pt. 1. Scena: Is evil then good?
Miss Julie, Act I Scene 1: Kristin! Kristin, Kristin!
La Diva de L'Empire
Miss Julie, Act II Scene 1: My Mother got Drunk
Miss Julie, Act II Scene 1: Scum on the Surface of the Water
Miss Julie, Act I Scene 1: You Know Why I Came Here Tonight?
Pt. 3. A Spiritual: Deep river
Sinfonia Fidei, Op. 95: III. Vexilla Regis
Pt. 1. The Argument: Man has measured the heavens interludium
PT. 1. chorus of the oppressed: when shall the usurers city cease
PT. 3. SCE那: the words of wisdom are these
PT. 2. the narrator: where they could, they fled from他和她error
PT. 2. chorus of the self-righteous: we cannot have the min our empire
Miss Julie, A CTI scene 1: Kristin, ISI她ready?
PT. 2. the narrator: and A time came
Miss Julie, A CTI scene 1: Theresa new dance starting
PT. 3. general ensemble: I would know沒有shadow and沒有light
sinfonia FI得, op. 95: i. sequent IA的San CTO Michael E
PT. 2. the narrator: they took A terrible vengeance
Quatre Chansons Françaises:I. Nuits de juin
PT. 2. the terror: burn down their houses
PT. 1. the narrator: no win each nation
PT. 1. chorus: T和world turn son ITS dark四的
Miss Julie, A CTI scene 2: but you can rise, Jean
Pt. 3. The soul of man
Pt. 3. Perludium
Pt. 2. Chorus Of The Persecutors And The Persecuted: Away with them
Pt. 2. Scena: O my son
Pt. 2. The Mother: What have I done to you, my son?
Pt. 2. The Boy Sings In His Prison: My dreams are all shattered
Pt. 3. The cold deepens
Pt. 2. The Narrator: Men were ashamed
Quatre Chansons Françaises:III. LEnfance
Sinfonia Fidei, Op. 95: II. Ave Maris Stella
Miss Julie, Act I Scene 2: Now You Can Kiss My Hand
Miss Julie, Act II Scene 1: Kiss Me! Just One Last Kiss!
Miss Julie, Act I Scene 1: Midsummer Night, O, Night of Magic
Miss Julie, Act II Scene 1: I Must be Dreaming
Quatre Chansons Françaises:IV. Chanson d'automne
British composers - A的手: powder her face.
Maestros de la Música Clásica, Vol. I
Tippett: A Child Of Our Time
Christmas in Venice
Heavenly Handel
Handel : Anniversary Edition 1759-2009
Lyrita Celebrating Welsh Music
Alwyn: Miss Julie, Opera in Two Acts
Classic Experience IV