The Best Of Both Worlds (Hannah Montana)歌詞
Oh yea
Come on
You get the limo out front
Have the styles, every shoe, every color
Yea when you're famous it can be kinda fun
It's really you but no one ever discovers
In some ways you're just like all your friends
But on stage you're a star
You get the best of both worlds
Chillin' out, take it slow
Then you rock out the show
You get the best of both worlds
Mix it all together and you know that it's the best of both worlds
The best of both worlds
You go to movie premiers (is that Orlando Bloom?)
Hear your songs on the radio
Livin' two lives is a little weird
But schools cool cuz nobody knows
Yea you get to be a small town girl
But big time when you play your guitar
You get the best of both worlds
Chillin' out, take it slow
Then you rock out the show
You get the best of both worlds
Mix it all together and you know that it's the best of both
You know the best of both worlds
Pictures and autographs
You get your face in all the magazine
The best parts that you get to be whomever you wanna be
Yea best of both
You go the best of both
Come on best of both
Who would have thought that a girl like me
Would double as a superstar
You get the best of both worlds
Chillin' out, take it slow
Then you rock out the show
You get the best of both worlds
Mix it altogether and you know that it's the best of
You get the best of both worlds
Without the shakin' the hair
You can go anywhere
You get the best of both girls
Mix it altogether
Oh yea
It's so much better cuz you know you've got the best of both worlds
1.Nur ein Kuss(Arielle, die Meerjungfrau)
2.Als mich jemand liebte (Toy Story 2)
3.Friend like me (Aladdin)
4.Breaking free (High School Musical)
5.The Best Of Both Worlds (Hannah Montana)
6.Das flotte Aufräumlied (Verwünscht)
7.Das ist das Glück (Cinderella)
8.Mein liebes Kind (Dumbo)
9.A Star Is Born (Hercules)
10.Endlich sehe ich das Licht (Rapunzel - Neu verföhnt)
11.Was das nächste Ufer bringt (Pocahontas)
12.Hawaiian Roller Coaster Ride (Lilo & Stitch)
13.Lausche mit dem Herz (Teil 2) (Pocahontas)
14.Das Farbenspiel des Winds (Pocahontas)
15.Du hast'n Freund in mir (Toy Story)
16.Hakuna Matata (Der König der Löwen)
17.Zip-a-dee-doo-dah (Onkel Remus' Wunderland)
18.We Belong Together (Toy Story 3)
19.Nur'n kleiner Freundschaftsdienst (Aladdin)
20.Ganz nah dran (Küss den Frosch)
21.Ich will jetzt gleich König sein (Der König der Löwen)
22.Chim-Chim-Cheri (Pflastermaler) (Mary Poppins)
23.Heiho (Schneewittchen und die sieben Zwerge)
24.Wie zeigst du deine Liebe (Verwünscht)
25.Viel Glück zum Nicht-Geburtstag (Alice im Wunderland)
26.Ich will keinen Mann (Hercules)
27.he SA pirate (flu差點兒Kari避開)
28.E intra um為IR的WA HR (Aladdin)
29.Sei hier Gast ( Die Schöne und das Biest)
30.C ant help falling in love (lilo & stitch)
31.INS EK UN的NA UF混得RT (Hercules) VE膏OTA friend i那麼 (duet) (toy story)
33.reflection (pop version) (MU藍)
34.DAS super St EI Stan的N Tigger N (Tigger是grosses A本TEU而)
35.KO MM托爾斯泰美女Prinz組迷人 (S承諾ee wit停車nun的die死e Benz玩兒個)
36.dies而tram P (SU是IU NDS TR OL穿)
37.Kat怎bra u陳fur傳統bar VIE老MU思考 (AR is to cats)
38.NaN U (nightmare before Christmas)
39.Klein而April審查u兒 (Bambi)
40.Ein Löffelchen voll Zucker (Mary Poppins)
41.Mickey mouse club, alma Mater (Mickey mouse club)
42.w oh AB EI CH dieses ding hinge tan BI報表ID IB ABB ID IBU (Cinderella)
43.when有wish upon A star (Pinocchio)
44.Kann es wirklich Liebe sein (Der König der Löwen)
45.Unten im Meer (Arielle, die Meerjungfrau)
46.So sehr (Peter Pan 2 Neue Abenteuer in Nimmerland)
47.Beauty and the Beast (Die Schöne und das Biest)
48.Supercalifragilisticexpialigetisch (Mary Poppins)
49.I see the light (Rapunzel - Neu verföhnt)
50.Du brauchst nur zu pfeifen (Pinocchio)
51.Wer bin ich (Mulan)
52.In deiner Welt (Arielle, die Meerjungfrau)
53.Wer bei der Arbeit pfeift (Schneewittchen und die sieben Zwerge)
54.Schnell weg (Aladdin)
55.Probier's mal mit Gemütlichkeit (Das Dschungelbuch)
56.Der ewige Kreis (Der König der Löwen)
57.Wann fängt mein Leben an (Rapunzel - Neu verföhnt)
58.Ich wäre gern wie du (Das Dschungelbuch)
Miley Cyrus熱門專輯