psyche - by G.B. drag Hi:reconstructed by Philip Pickett:symphony of recorders and soft music歌詞
1.Psyche - By G.B. Draghi:Reconstructed by Peter Holman:Consort of loud martial music
2.Psyche - By G.B. Draghi:Reconstructed by Peter Holman:Rustic music for the dance of the Sylvans and Dryads
3.Psyche - By G.B. Draghi:Reconstructed by Peter Holman:Curtain Tune
4.Psyche - By G.B. Draghi:Reconstructed by Peter Holman:Dance of Cyclopes
5.psyche - by G.B. drag Hi:reconstructed by Peter Holman - act 5:Dan CEO訪談和Furies
6.psyche - by G.B. drag Hi:reconstructed by Peter Holman:Dan CEO ft和Eli子安princes
7.psyche - by G.B. drag Hi:reconstructed by Peter Holman:dance of Apollos priests
8.psyche - by G.B. drag Hi:reconstructed by Philip Pickett:symphony of recorders and soft music
9.psyche - by G.B. drag Hi:reconstructed by Peter Holman:dance: priests of Mars (額度.Holman) "while we" "(Locke Pickett
10.Psyche - By G.B. Draghi:Reconstructed by Peter Holman:Dance of Statues
11.Psyche - By G.B. Draghi:Reconstructed by Philip Pickett:Symphony of rustic music with bird cries
Philip PickettNew London Consort熱門專輯