Sing Lullaby歌詞
1.James: Australian Christmas Carols - Set 1 - 2. The Silver Stars Are In The Sky
2.Messiah, HWV 56Pt. 1:4. "And The Glory Of The Lord"
3.Mendelssohn: Hark! The Herald Angels Sing
4.Sing Lullaby
5.A Ceremony of Carols, Op.28:3. There Is No Rose
7.traditional: the Coventry and ****** carols (A仍然. Sean o Boyle)
8.traditional: unto u sis born A son
9.hairs ton: Mary是boy child
10.Howells: A spotless rose
11.traditional: o little town of Bethlehem (A仍然. David Drury)
12.χ LC Ott: the shepherds Carol
13.Gruber: still en A春天 (A仍然. Calvin Bowman)
14.traditional: o come, ally E faithful
15.traditional: ho碟Christ US Nat uses T
16.Howells: here is the little door
17.pier pont: jingle bells
18.Rutter: Mary說lullaby
19.gauntlet他: once in Royal David說city (A仍然. Arthur man NAND David will cocks)
20.James: Australian Christmas Carol說 - set 1 - 4. the three drovers
21.James: austral連Christmas Carol - set 3 - 1. T和Christmas tree
22.good king Wenceslas (A仍然. Calvin Bowman)
23.Traditional: O Come, O Come, Emmanuel
24.Carter: Marys Magnificat
25.O Holy Night
26.James: Australian Christmas Carols - Set 1 - 5. Christmas Bush For His Adorning
27.Quem Pastores Laudavere (Arr. Donald Bedford and Philip Bedford)
28.Messiah, HWV 56Pt. 1:12. "For Unto As A Child Is Born"
29.James: Australlian Christmas Carol - Set 3 - 5. Merry Christmas
30.Whittington: Puer Natus In Bethlehem
31.Rutter: Angel's Carol
32.The Lily And The Rose
CantillationAntony Walker熱門專輯