dies chop fun gt和creation ho B. 212: part III. no. i. AU是Rosen我林肯BRI傳統歌詞
1.Overture in D Major Hob. Ia4
2.12 German Dances Hob. IX. No. 3 in G Major
3.The Seasons Hob. 213 Spring: V. Now Fairly Runs the Farmer's Boy
4.Die Schopfung 'the Creation' Hob. 212: Part I. No. IX. Nun Beut Die Flur Das Frische Grun
5.Divertimento: Adagio
6.dies chop fun gt和creation ho B. 212: part i. X IV. die him Mel er雜貨Len die eh reg Ott ES
7.dies chop fun gt和creation ho B. 212: part III. no. i. AU是Rosen我林肯BRI傳統
8.dies chop fun gt和creation ho B. 212: part III. no. IV. hold eg啊TT in, Dir Z u如SEI特
9.dies chop fun gt和creation ho B. 212: part i. no. III. nuns插wan的NV or DEM he i李根str ah了
10.dies chop fun gt和creation ho B. 212: part II. no. X. MIT W Urdu你的ho黑tan歌壇
11.12 German dance SHO B. IX. no. 2 in B-flat major
12.dies chop fun gt和creation ho B. 212: overture
13.dies chop fun gt和creation ho B. 212: part III. no. vi. sin gt DEM her renal LES Tim們!
14.12 German dance SHO B. IX. no. 1 ing major
15.dies chop fun gt和creation ho B. 212: part i. no. ξ. STI MM圖案die SAI ten
16.Die Schopfung the Creation Hob. 212: Part I. No. V. Mit Staunen Sieht Das Wunderwerk
17.Die Schopfung the Creation Hob. 212: Part II. No. VII. Gleich Offnet Sich Der Erde Schloss
18.Die Schopfung the Creation Hob. 212: Part II. No. V. in Holder Anmut Stehn
19.The Seasons Hob. 213 Autumn: IX. Hark! the Clamourous Noise That Through the Wood
20.Die Schopfung the Creation Hob. 212: Part II. No. VIII. Nun Scheint in Vollem Glanze Der Himmel
Joseph HaydnBerliner PhilharmonikerIgor Markevitch熱門專輯