Saul, HWV 53, Act 2 Scene 10:No. 68, Chorus, "O fatal consequence of rage"歌詞
1.Saul, HWV 53, Act 1:"O Lord, whose mercies numberless" (David)
2.Alexander's Feast or the Power of Musick, HWV 75, Pt. 2:No. 15, Recitative accompanied with Chorus, "Now strike the golden Lyre agai
3.Saul, HWV 53, Act 2 Scene 4: No. 52, Recitative, "Appear, my friend" (Jonathan, Saul)
4.Alexander's Feast or the Power of Musick, HWV 75, Pt. 2:No. 18, Air, "The princes applaud with a furious joy" (Tenor)
5.Alexander's Feast or the Power of Musick, HWV 75, Pt. 1:Recitative, "The praise of Bacchus then the sweet musician sung" (T
6.Saul, HWV 53, Act 3 Scene 4:No. 75, Recitative, "Whence comst thou?" (David, Amalekite) - No. 76, Air, "Impious wretch, of
7.Saul, HWV 53, Act 1 Scene 6:No. 38, Recitative, "O filial piety!" - No. 29, Air, "No, cruel father, no" (Jonathan)
8.Apollo e Dafne, HWV 122:"Odi la mia ragion"
9.Te Deum in D Major, HWV 278, "Utrecht":VI. "We Believe That Thou Shalt Come"
10.Saul, HWV 53, Act 2 Scene 3: No. 48, Recitative, "Hast thou obeyed my orders" (Saul, Jonathan) - No. 49, Air, "Sin not, o K
11.Ode for St. Cecilia's Day, HWV 76:No. 4, Solo and Chorus, "The trumpet's loud clangor excites us" (Tenor, Chorus)
12.Te Deum in D Major, HWV 278, "Utrecht Te Deum":No. 4, Solo and Chorus, (a) "The glorious company" (Tenor 1, Bass,
13.Te Deum in D Major, HWV 278, "Utrecht":VIII. "And We Worship Thy Name"
14.Saul, HWV 53, Act 2 Scene 10: No. 67, Recitative, "Where is the son of Jesse?" (Saul, Jonathan)
15.Saul, HWV 53, Act 1 Scene 1: No. 3, Trio, "Along the monster atheist strode" (Counter-Tenor, Tenor, Bass)
16.Apollo e Dafne, HWV 122:"Mie piante correte, mie braccie stringete"
17.Apollo e Dafne, HWV 122:"Ch'il superbetto Amore"
18.Giulio Cesare in Egitto, HWV 17, Act 3 Scene 7:No. 40, Aria, "Da tempeste il legno infranto" (Cleopatra)
19.Te Deum in D Major, HWV 278, "Utrecht":III. "To Thee, Cherubim and Seraphim"
20.Alexander's Feast or the Power of Musick, HWV 75, Pt. 1:Recitative, "T'was at the royal feast, for Persia won by Philip&
21.Te Deum in D Major, HWV 278, "Utrecht":II. "To Thee All Angels Cry Aloud"
22.Apollo e Dafne, HWV 122:"Cara pianta co'miei pianti"
23.Alexander's Feast or the Power of Musick, HWV 75, Pt. 2:No. 19, Air with Chorus, "Thais led the way … The princes applaud with a fur
24.Giulio Cesare in Egitto, HWV 17, Act 1 Scene 4:Recitativo, "Vani sono i lamenti" (Sesto)
25.Alexander's Feast or the Power of Musick, HWV 75, Pt. 1:No. 14b, Chorus, "The many rend the skies with loud applause" (da c
26.Apollo e Dafne, HWV 122:"Deh lascia addolcire"
27.Apollo e Dafne, HWV 122:"Ardi, adori e preghi in vano"
28.Ted EU mind major, HW V 278, "Utrecht":X. "o lord int和E have i trusted"
29.Giulio Cesare in E git to, HW V 17, act 1 scene 4:no. 5, aria, "SV E公曆ate vine了core" (s EST哦)
30.Apollo Eda F呢, HW V 122:"ah chu女Dion on do V熱BB哦"
31.Alexander sf EAS tort和power of music K, HW V 75, PT. 2:no. 20, recitative accompanied with chorus, "thus, 龍啊個噢, 而E heaving be了
32.Giulio Cesare in Egitto, HWV 17, Act 2 Scene 8:No. 29, Aria, "Se pietà di me non senti" (Cleopatra)
33.Apollo Eda F呢, HW V 122:"Fe裡刺殺司馬quest alma"
34.Saul, HW V 53, act 1 scene 2: no. 8, recitative, "behold, o king, the Brave, victorious youth" (Abner, Saul, David) - no. 9, air, &阿門
35.Alexander sf EAS tort和power of music K, HW V 75, PT. 2:recitative, "let old Tim OT和US yield the prize" (tenor, bass)
36.O的for St. Cecilia死day, HW V 76:overture (larghetto哦staccato - allegro - menu ET) - recitative, "from harmony, from heavenly harm
37.Saul, HW V 53, act 1 scene 4:no. 27, recitative, "imprudent我們!" (Jonathan, Michal) - no. 28, air, "fell rage and black的
38.Apollo e Dafne, HWV 122:"Sempre t'adorerò"
39.Giulio Cesare in E git to, HW V 17, act 3 scene 10:no. 44, co RO, "RI Tor你哦Maine ln OST RO core" (chorus, Cesare, Cleopatra)
40.Apollo Eda F呢, HW V 122:"come in此El benign A Stella"
41.Ted EU mind major, HW V 278, "Utrecht Ted EU M":no. 5, solo and chorus, (啊) "when thou took St upon thee"
42.Alexander sf EAS tort和power of music K, HW V 75, PT. 1:recitative, "Tim OT和US, PLA從Don high" (tenor)
43.Saul, HW V 53, act 3 scene 2: no. 71, recitative, "with麼what wouldst天后?" (witch, Saul) - no. 72, air, "infer
44.Alexander sf EAS tort和power of music K, HW V 75, PT. 2:no. 17, recitative accompanied, "give the vengeance due to the valiant crew&
45.Alexander sf EAS tort和power of music K, HW V 75, PT. 1:no. 1, air and chorus, "happy pair!" (tenor, soprano, chorus)
46.Saul, HW V 53, act 1:"oh early piety!" (Jonathan)
47.Saul, HW V 53, act 2 scene 2:no. 43, recitative, "ah, dearest friend" - no. 44, air, "but sooner Jordan是stream&阿門
48.Giulio Cesare in E git to, HW V 17, act 1 scene 9:no. 14, aria, "VA ta次toe NAS cos to" (Cesare)
49.Alexander sf EAS tort和power of music K, HW V 75, PT. 1:recitative, "sooth的with the sound" (tenor)
50.Alexander sf EAS tort和power of music K, HW V 75, PT. 1:no. 4, chorus, "the list寧crowd admire the loft用sound"
51.Apollo e Dafne, HWV 122:"Spezza larco e getta larmi"
52.Ode for St. Cecilias Day, HWV 76:No. 11, Chorus, "As from the power of sacred lays"
53.Apollo e Dafne, HWV 122:"Una guerra ho dentro il seno"
54.Giulio Cesare in Egitto, HWV 17, Act 1:No. 2, Aria "Presti omai lEgizia terra" (Giulio Cesare)
55.Alexander's Feast or the Power of Music, HWV 75, Pt. 1:No. 13, Chorus, "The many rend the skies with loud applause"
56.Saul, HWV 53, Act 1:"Racked with infernal pains" (Abner)
57.Apollo e Dafne, HWV 122:"Placati al fin, o cara"
58.Ode for St. Cecilias Day, HWV 76:No. 2, Chorus, "From Harmony, from heavenly Harmony"
59.Te Deum in D Major, HWV 278, "Utrecht":IX. "Vouchsafe, o Lord"
60.Saul, HWV 53, Act 3 Scene 5:No. 83, Air, "In sweetest harmony they lived" (Merab) - No. 84, Solo and Chorus, "O fatal day!&
61.Saul, HWV 53, Act 3:"Ye men of Judah, weep no more" (Abner)
62.Apollo e Dafne, HWV 122:"Che voce! che beltà!"
63.Alexander's Feast or the Power of Music, HWV 75, Pt. 1:No. 6, Air and Chorus, "Bacchus, ever fair and young … Bacchus ble
64.Te Deum in D Major, HWV 278, "Utrecht":VII. "Day by Day We Magnify Thee"
65.Ode for St. Cecilias Day, HWV 76:No. 7, Air, "Sharp Violins proclaim their jealous pangs" (Tenor)
66.Saul, HWV 53, Act 2:"O fairest of ten thousand fair" (Michal, David)
67.Saul, HWV 53, Act 2 Scene 6:No. 59, Recitative, "Thy father is as cruel" (David) - No. 60, Duet, "At persecution I can laug
68.Saul, HWV 53, Act 3 Scene 5:No. 79, Air, "O let it not in Gath be heard" (Jonathan) - No. 80, Air, "From this unhappy day&a
69.Alexanders Feast or the Power of Musick, HWV 75, Pt. 1:Recitative, "The mighty master smiled to see" (Tenor)
70.Alexander's Feast or the Power of Music, HWV 75, Pt. 1:No. 10, Chorus, "Behold Darius great and good"
71.Alexander's Feast or the Power of Music, HWV 75, Pt. 1:No. 12, Air, "War, he sung, is toil and trouble" (Tenor)
72.Apollo e Dafne, HWV 122:"Pende il ben delluniverso"
73.Alexanders Feast or the Power of Musick, HWV 75, Pt. 2:No. 21, Chorus, "Let old Timotheus yield the prize" (Soprano, Tenor
74.Apollo e Dafne, HWV 122:"La terra è liberata"
75.Saul, HWV 53, Act 2:"From cities stormed, and battles won" (Jonathan)
76.Saul, HWV 53, Act 2:"Your words, o King" (David)
77.Saul, HWV 53, Act 2 Scene 7:No. 61, Recitative, "Whom dost thou seek?" (Michal, Doeg) - No. 62, Air, "No, no, let the guilt
Concentus Musicus WienNikolaus HarnoncourtKonzertvereinigung Wiener Staatsopernchor熱門專輯