Who's Betty Schaefer? (US 1994Musical "Sunset Boulevard")歌詞
NORMA: Is this what youre looking for, by any chance?
JOE: Why, yes
NORMA: Whose phone number is this?
Ive been worried about the line of my throat.
I think this woman has done wonders with it
JOE: Good
NORMA: And Ive lost half a pound since Tuesday
JOE: Very good
NORMA: Now its after nine. Id better get to bed
JOE: You had
NORMA: Are you coming up?
JOE: I think Ill read a while longer
NORMA: You went out last night, didnt you, Joe?
JOE: I went for a walk
NORMA: You took the car
JOE: I drove to the beach
NORMA: Whos Betty Schaefer?
JOE: Surely, you dont want me to feel as if Im a prisoner in this house?
NORMA: You dont understand, Joe.
Im under such a terrible strain
Its been so hard I even got myself a revolver.
The only thing that stopped me from killing myself was the thought of all those people,
waiting to see me back on the screen.
How could I disappoint them?
All I ask is a little patience, a little understanding
JOE: Norma, theres nothing to worry about. I havent done anything
NORMA: Of course you havent. Good night, my darling
JOE: I should have stayed there
Poor Norma
So desperate to be ready
For what would never happen
But Betty would be waiting
We had a script to finish
One unexpected love scene
Two people, both risking
A kind of happy ending
1.The Perfect Year
2.Entr'acte (US 1994Musical "Sunset Boulevard" Instrumental)
3.There's Been A CallJourney To Paramount (US 1994Musical "Sunset Boulevard")
4.New Year's Eve
5.Paramount ConversationsSurrender (Reprise) [US 1994Musical "Sunset Boulevard"]
6.Every Movie's A Circus
7.New Ways To Dream
8.The Final Scene (US 1994Musical "Sunset Boulevard")
9.Girl Meet Boy
10.New Year's Eve (Back At The House On Sunset)
11.OvertureI Guess It Was 5 A.M.
13.New Ways To Dream (Reprise) [US 1994Musical "Sunset Boulevard"]
14.The Lady's Paying
15.lets have lunch
16.The Greatest Star Of All
17.car chase
18.ATT和house on sunset
19.this time next year
21.Back At The House On Sunset
22.Completion Of The Script
23.With One Look
24.The Phone Call (US 1994Musical "Sunset Boulevard")
25.Eternal Youth Is Worth A Little Suffering (US 1994Musical "Sunset Boulevard")
26.As If We Never Said Goodbye (US 1994Musical "Sunset Boulevard")
27.Sunset Boulevard (US 1994Musical "Sunset Boulevard")
28.Girl Meets Boy (Reprise) [US 1994Musical "Sunset Boulevard"]
29.Who's Betty Schaefer? (US 1994Musical "Sunset Boulevard")
30.Too Much In Love To Care (US 1994Musical "Sunset Boulevard")
Glenn CloseChristopher HamptonDon BlackAlan CampbellAndrew Lloyd Webber熱門專輯