Jan Kühn
Youth & Ditties and Nonsense Rhymes
Youth, JW 710: IV. Allegro animato
Youth, JW 710: IV. Allegro animato
Youth & Ditties and Nonsense Rhymes
Jan Kühn
Youth, JW 710: IV. Allegro animato歌詞
Youth, JW 710: II. Andante sostenuto
Ditties and Nonsense Rhymes
Youth, JW 710: III. Vivace
Youth, JW 710: IV. Allegro animato
Youth, JW 710: I. Allegro
Bouquet of Flowers. A cycle of Compositions to Folk Texts for Mixed (Children´s) Choirs, Soloists and Small Orchestra, H. 260, 8. Člověk a smrt
Chansons pour enfants: No. 7, Rybička
Ditties and Nonsense Rhymes
Vzdálené milé, Op. 98: I. Již zas přišel máj
Symphony in D Major, Op. 5, No. 2: IV. Prestissimo
Adoramus te Christe
Bouquet of Flowers. A cycle of Compositions to Folk Texts for Mixed (Children´s) Choirs, Soloists and Small Orchestra, H. 260, 5. Intráda
String Quartet in D Major, Op. 64, No. 5: III. Menuetto. Allegretto
Bouquet of Flowers. A cycle of Compositions to Folk Texts for Mixed (Children´s) Choirs, Soloists and Small Orchestra, H. 260, 3. Idyll
Le temps de Noël est arrivé
Píseň mladých brigádníků
Symphony in D Major, Op. 5, No. 2: II. Andantino
Gloria, Gloria in excel死神d EO
Bouquet of Flowers. A cycle of Compositions to Folk Texts for Mixed (Children´s) Choirs, Soloists and Small Orchestra, H. 260, 1. Předehra
Bouquet of Flowers. A cycle of Compositions to Folk Texts for Mixed (Children´s) Choirs, Soloists and Small Orchestra, H. 260, 7. Milá nad rodinu
Youth, JW 710: I. Allegro
Nous irons ensemble à Bethléhem
Vzdálené milé, Op. 98: II. Vezmi sebou tahle slova
A pioneer song "Mitch URI呢"
Nous arrivons de Bethléhem
Youth, JW 710: IV. Allegro animato
Youth, JW 710: II. Andante sostenuto
Youth, JW 710: III. Vivace
Coucou, coucou je vais à Bethléhem - Levez-vous marchez vers Bethléhem
symphony Ind major, op. 5, no. 2: i. allegro
Bouquet of Flowers. A cycle of Compositions to Folk Texts for Mixed (Children´s) Choirs, Soloists and Small Orchestra, H. 260, 6. Koleda
Chansons pour enfants: No. 5, Milosrdná země - Afrika
String Quartet in D Major, Op. 64, No. 5: IV. Finale. Vivace
symphony Ind major, op. 5, no. 2: III. menu ET to
Jan Kühn熱門專輯
Jeremiáš: i. A II. Směs národních písní
Premières Olympiades de chant choral amateur, Paris 1956. Tchécoslovaquie (Mono Version)
Budovatelské písně (Zítra se bude tančit všude, Píseň kombajnisty, Ve jménu Jana Žižky,..)
Youth & Ditties and Nonsense Rhymes
Dvořák: Stabat Mater - Suk: Asrael
Portrait of Jaroslav Křička
Janáček: Folk Nocturnes, Hradčany Songs, The Wolf´s Track
Sommer, Mácha, Eben, Smolka, Hanuš, Srnka: Je nám dobře na zemi, Pod tou modrou oblohou. Dětské sbory a písně
Plavec, Ambros, Schreiber: Co rok dal. Dětské písně a sbory
Talich Special Edition 10. Dvořák: Stabat Mater - Suk: Asrael